A new Superintendent Order has been issued regarding drones and Unmanned Arial Systems at Ocotillo Wells SVRA. It states in part: “No person shall launch, land or operate a powered unmanned aircraft or unmanned arial system (UAS) within Ocotillo Wells or Heber Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Areas”. One of the most important reasons for this order and the restriction of the use of drones has to do with the number of medical air rescues we do here. It is completely unpredictable when or where we will call in a helicopter and any uncontrolled aircraft over the park will interfere with the rescue. That directly puts the patient in great risk. A full copy of this Superintendents Order is available for public viewing at the Discovery Center. Please read the other Superintendents Orders here:http://ohv.parks.ca.gov/
Octillo Wells SVRA Location:
Heber Dunes SVRA Location: